Dump acl
1809 dump_component_none : dump_component_ACL ; 1810 else. 1830 * This would be DUMP_COMPONENT_ACL for from-initdb access methods, but. This topic discusses the various switch and router SDK features and their usage. The debug utilities include the dump keyword in their names. Some default debug scripts include Only RUB 220.84/month. 9tut / dump - ACL Sim Case 1 - create access list step 2 after entering configure terminal, create an access list to permit Host C web access to the Finance Web Server. Handle Access Control List (ACL) information in create and extract mode. If -acl has been specified and star is in extract mode, star will try to restore ACL information. vl_api_acl_dump_t Struct Reference. Reply to set the ACL list on an interface. More 0 - no errorDump the specific ACL contents or all of the ACLs' contents. client_index. show acl [<acl>]. Dump info about acl converters. Without argument, the list of all available acls is returned. List CLI sockets. The output format is composed of 3 fields separated by spaces. Set the set file access control lists (ACL), set the group to rwx default and others to read access only. dump.4network.org Proudly powered by WordPress.
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